Wednesday 8 January 2014

Gratitude; a Memory of the Heart...


2014 is the Year of the Horse!



Metaphysically speaking, 2014 is the Year of Gratitude!



My new years resolution is going to be to explore the effects of putting the two together!



But First, Gratitude is defined as:


 thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive. 

We know that right -  but what is gratitude to you and I, in terms that we can practise and grow from?

For many it is the feeling... 

  • of joy
  • a celebration of that joy
  • of being loved and being loving
  • of being vulnerable
  • of surrendering to (basking in) love, success and happiness 

Gratitude is a generating energy - with trust, happiness and joy - the more we feel,  the more we generate things to feel that way for!

How many of us, and how regularly, actually practise the art of feeling Gratitude?  

I have a Gratitude book from the good people at The Law of Attraction.  From their teachings, they claim incredible results (life changing at times) from physically write down what we are grateful for.  I do this as often as I remember, and I must confess it does produce good feelings as I write.

My Gratitude book and I aren't always in arms reach so I also have a nightly ritual, before I go to sleep.  I think through the day and list at least 5 things I'm grateful for in that day!  Some days are a stretch and I remind myself I'm grateful for my health, a lovely home and a loving husband and 6 beautifully spirited animals in my life.  Other days, the list is intensely long and rich.  A joy to mentally recite and revel in.

So what if Gratitude is more than a feeling? What if it's 'magic' lies in it's energetic frequency?


What if practising feeling Gratitude can achieve the following:

  • lifts us into action
  • creates something new
  • heals
  • energises 
  • aids us to persevere
  • builds into a powerful 'state of being'

Can gratitude take us outside of and beyond our daily 'fear story', our pity party, victim addiction or martyrdom?

On Saturday (January 4th) this year, I read an email from my dear friend Jean Michel in Mauritius.  It was about a movement to 'spread positive intention' and thought across the world.  (A link is at the bottom of this blog).   Literally as I was reading the email, I received some good news - a very positive and synchronistic stroke of luck! Or, was it?

In that moment on Saturday, being fully present in the moment and words of that email, I was awake! It sowed a kernel of thought about being touched by a bigger plan simply by noticing what we pay attention to and the thoughts we manifest!  And so I'm now wondering if Gratitude is a memory of the heart and soul?  An enchanting memory! A place waiting for us to re-visit like a long lost forest we explored as a child. When we visit, we are re-connected to something much bigger than us, and today!  We are re-united with the

I believe more and more that gratitude is a virtue, a strength that triggers other strengths and inspires more of all the good stuff.

Perhaps in 2014 humanity will deal with Gratitude using the conventional definitions of compassion and joy and being thankful. We'll speak of gratitude with empty words that lack meaning, value and a depth of understanding of it's real power.

Or, perhaps we will "wake up" a little more this year, and create a new daily practise of consciously revelling in the feeling of gratitude.  We can begin by consciously dwelling in the love and awe we feel for our horses (or dogs and cats and family).  Let's commit to loosing ourselves daily in the reservoir of love that radiates from our horse's eyes.  Let's stop for a moment each day and bask in the feeling of intense gratitude for having horses in our lives.

Is there a link between the year of the horse and the year of Gratitude?

I believe gratitude helps us to cope with success and failure.  It's also a building block of relationships. It can help us maintain perspective.  This in turn helps to open us up to beauty, magic and a grateful 'state of being'.  Remember the saying nobody likes a misery pants?  (Maybe that was just big in our house growing up, but to me it is a universal Rule so it came from someone)!  Well, isn't it better for our mental state if we surround ourselves with people who don't zap the life out of us? Instead, to be with positive minded people who take responsibility for their life?

To live this year's "calling" or mantra (call it what you will) - is, I hope an invitation to stand wake up, and explore more of who we are.

Is the feeling of Gratitude something to fear, or avoid? 


I think it can be.  Most of us don't want to feel indebted to another ...  or admit to something bigger / better than us.  But when we do surrender to the loving energy underpinning gratitude I've discovered nothing but magic appears on your door step! 

Where do we start?

Start small, and keep it simple and honest:

  1. Each night in bed, mentally state 5 things of more you are grateful for in that day
  2. Write them down, a couple of times a week in a journal, date each entry.  Re-read them
  3. Expand your gratitude and write down today, things you are grateful for in the future, that haven't even happened yet.  (Spend today consciously creating tomorrow).
  4. Today when you are with your horse just stop!  For a few moments just stand there, close by.  Look into their eyes, and pause!  Let go and feel yourself sink into their unconditional love. Let yourself be loved, by that love.
  5. Express inwardly and outwardly, in words or thoughts, your gratitude towards, or because of, your horse, so that they may feel loved in return.  Really connect with the feeling of love, not the outward actions of love (carrots and new rugs).
  6. Put your empathy, compassion and caring to work with friends, family, pets. Dispense it into the world noticing what you do and say.
  7. Tip toe onto the Revolition organisation website, and the Law or Attraction, notice which ideas and suggestions leap out at you.  Don't try to do it all! 
  8. Share your concern, caring, kindness and affection with others in your world.  Be open and honest and present with less 'agenda' and 'must do' mentally and more 'stop and pause and notice'.

I have long been fascinated by why so many humans from all backgrounds, and of all ages are drawn, often inexplicably towards horses.   In my workshops I ask 'why'? 'Why horses?' I watch people in that moment as they connect with 'why' and observe them travel to some distant looking out of reach moment in time, before they return (from deep in their memory) to quietly utter words like:

  • beauty
  • magic
  • freedom
  • presence
  • wisdom

Their words echo my own. For my 40 years of being obsessed with horses, I am still spell bound by their beauty, their magical powers of strength and grace, how 'alive' they are and their presence.

In summary for now,

If gratitude is a feeling, it can remain private and unspoken.   If feeling gratitude can heal our hurts and renew our energy then what do we have to lose by choosing the path of gratitude for 5 minutes a day?  If we become addicted - I for one won't breath a word! It can't be coincidence that the tips above (not new or invented by me) are similar to the intention expressed by the Revolution organisation.

Don't let being 'thankful' be the sum of what you experience.  Celebrate the love and joy you feel.  Be spontaneous.  Notice any 'lack of gratitude' in your life, and 'counter balance' it with any of the tips above that catch your attention.

My final thought is a bold one: I bet, if you are reading this blog, you have a fiery desire to create something new, better, in your life. What a joy!  What a reason for celebration.

New beginnings will follow,  it's the new year, so they simply have to!

Link to revolition:

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