Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wakey; Wakey - MOT's & Emotional Audits Calling!

“Intolerance of your present creates your future”...


...A popular saying but do we know what it means and how to turn it to our advantage?

Similar expressions include "if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll continue to get what we've always got".  I've heard it say that insanity is "doing the same things but expecting different results"

What links these sayings is our ability to change our mind set - to experience a paradigm shift. That seems to be the one constant in my life since Essy hit me with his message that "humans have to wake up".

Waking up doesn't have to mean knowing exactly where we are heading in life, but it does mean taking more than an idol curiosity in the journey.  It means asking questions of ourselves and taking an active part in the proceedings not just going with the flow.  It can mean challenging expectations and norms, paying attention to things that go wrong - illnesses and injuries, relationship changes, people that show up and opportunities that catch your attention.

NOTICE WHAT YOU NOTICE and you'll wake up!

I'm always impressed by the work people will put in to changing their lives or their own behaviour.  Two recent examples include a man I am working with who is determined to conquer his anger and rage and not lose the one lady in his life who means everything to him.  Then there is a middle aged lady whose ridden all her life but had recently had a few falls from her new youngster - causing her to stop in her tracks and reassess what she's doing and why. 

Two different but similar scenarios. Both want to change and get to grips with their demons and stop their present reality becoming their future. Both are willing to do the work!  Both are learning the value of being honest (with self and others) and how to have self compassion.  

People get it!  When we are in pain (emotional, physical, or spiritual) we have all it takes to create whatever future we desire.

We have to want change
We have to be dissatisfied with the present
We have to do some work

Creating a new future means changing in the present - what we do, what we say, why and to whom.  Knowing WHY we do and say the things we do, in the present, means delving into our past.  Delving not dwelling; and there's a big difference!

What has been so powerful in working with Margrit Coates is that it has opened up to me my horses' past - 'pre me' - it has filled in some of the gaps that until then I'd only been able to make guesses about.  Going forward I don't think I'd even BUY a horse without asking Margrit to visit first. Seriously. Think about it; when we date a new partner, or interview for a new job we want to hear all about their past - experiences, successes as well as plans for the future.  With practise and experience we learn to spot the potential 'train wrecks' ahead of time and step off or say "no"!

When buying a new horse (or taking one on loan) we road test them mounted, we check their stable manners, and get the vet to do the physical MOT.  Who does the emotional audit? How do we know what we are getting into from an emotional fitness perspective, with a horse?

Why wouldn't we want to know more about the horses past trauma, treatment, fears, ability to cope with pressure, attitude towards work, comfort under saddle etc?  Wouldn't that tell us as much (if not more) about the likely quality of the relationship we will have with that horse,  than any vet check?  I'm not against vet checks.  I'm not saying don't have one.  I'm saying don't stop there!

When we pay for a 5 stage vet check often we want to rule out future costly injuries, illnesses. Yet we might want to remember that most cases of emotional in-balance will also manifest itself as illness, lameness, poor condition etc.  Any compromised or stressed internal organ will result in a sick horse.  Internal organ health can not be seen by a vet.  Blood tests aren't always accurate enough to show up problems. Besides which, without a history of regular blood tests for that horse its an isolated picture without any context for what is "normal" health and well being for him or her.

We have to have a way to check below the surface and not just focus on what we can see!

This is a picture of Essy in November 2010 - not a well boy!  After £2000 of vet checks, tests, steroids, blood tests, skin analysis, allergy testing, bedding changes, stable sterilisation, box rest, new rugs, new grooming brushes, dietary elimination,  we had no cause and no solution.

I'm not blaming the vets but feeling miserable and desperate to help Essy, I went holistic.  I found Equine Iridology.  It diagnosed a seriously stressed kidney and liver problem not revealed by blood tests.  The solution....?  HERBS!

After less than one week on a James Hart Liver Tonic and Dandelion Root (daily) every lump had gone and did not return.  With careful management it should not reoccur. 

Whenever I suspect Essy's immune system is struggling I put him back on a Tonic to suit the symptoms. Essy, Solar Sue and Grace now have a large offering of self selection herbs offered to them daily. They select the ones they need.  As I'm no expert in how nature works to restore an animals health I will quote others research and point out that only this week the Daily Mail reported on Oregano's amazing anti-bacterial properties.

Oregano can beat MRSA said the researched based article.  It is more effective than any man made product at fighting the bacteria!

The world is waking up!  We are waking up.  Our horses are helping us.  If Essy hadn't had this terrible break out I wouldn't have turned to Iridology, found James Hart's Tonics, or discovered the power of herbs and essential oils for healing, health and well being.

I didn't wake up one morning in 2010 and think to myself - "I must explore the power of Margarine and Parsley!"  Nor did I (consciously) wish a poorly horse upon myself.  But, what if....I needed to step up and wake up to another level? What if I am here to help prove the value in not giving up on our horses (or ourselves)?  What if.....I don't even know why this happened - yet!

Then for me to wake up I had to have a sick horse to learn from. (Another extraordinary example of  selfless giving from our horses).  How much responsibility would I be willing to take, versus leaving it to the vets?  How open minded was I to other solutions that help me discover more about a horse, its' nature, it's true needs and make up?

The mind shift that happened as a result - I could not have imagined.  What I know now is that Einstein was nothing short of legendary when he said:

"no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"

I am convinced that if we want to wake up then our horses will open up to us many new and exciting options to explore that will raise our levels of consciousness.

Going forward,

* Would I want to know if my horse had a compromised immune system?  
* Would I consider iridology as part of my pre-purchase 'health check' MOT?  
* Would I want to know how to bring out the best of my horses emotionally? 
* Would I invest in an Animal Communicator as part of my 'pre-purchase' routine?  
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Would this be additional expense? In literal terms yes.  Experts cost money.  What's the upside?  Analytically speaking: if I want a return on my horse investment I'd say the odds are looking good the more I check out upfront-  I'd know all sides of my balance sheet not just what makes up the revenues - the glory piece!

Would I walk away from a horse who presented concerns based on either of my new pre-purchase checks?  That depends.   After all, waking up doesn't mean a guarantee of always making a smart decision!  Doesn't the fun of being human entail getting it right sometimes, and other times, not!

The good news is that waking up actually means that even when we get it wrong -we get it right!  Providing we notice! Providing we listen, learn and grow a little more from the experience. Then, every event or encounter becomes an important part of what we draw from for the future.  If its true that 'today is determined by the past, tomorrow is determined by today' then wouldn't we want to spend today wide awake; soaking up life's little details that fill the wind and inspire our heart?
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

“You can have anything you want - if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.”

Daily Mail Article:

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