Sunday 8 March 2015

Bad news begats bad news!

“We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together we exist and forever will recreate each other.” 

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I had left it late in the holiday to connect with Jean Michel.  This would be an important lesson to learn from, and a mistake not to repeat.  

Each of my remaining days of daily practise in the pavilion was significant.  We worked deeper on my breathing, relaxation and appreciation of universal light and healing energy.

Having left our pavilion sessions each day I returned to the villa and drank the mushroom 'coffee'.  

My instinct kept whispering to me that the coffee and I were not getting along. My body felt slightly weird, slightly light headed, and kind of dizzy but not sick - hard to explain, but similar to how Codeine affects me (only that's a lot worse)! I persisted and packed my box of sachets into my suitcase on my last day.

As my last session with Jean Michel ended, we left the pavilion deep in conversation.  I was returning home with new breathing techniques to practise, trees to stand next to to ground myself, and homework that anyone other than the two of us would think somewhat crazy or misguided.  Yet, to me it all felt totally logical, compelling and real! 

As we walked, I glanced at my mobile phone.  In that very moment of readying myself, I read a text from my mum that halted me in my steps mentally and conversationally.  By the time we reached the main spa I knew I had to tell Jean Michel what the text said.

Mum was due to have a foot operation that day, but it had been cancelled. Why?  Because her pre-op tests revealed "a muscle in her heart had died".  This meant that an operation would be unsafe as she could not be 'put under'.
Her text tried to reassure me not to worry.  Strangely I wasn't worried.  As I read it to Jean Michel calmness descended.  He simply informed me that I had to perform Reiki in my mother and help her.

So that was the plan.  I would breathe, be grounded, relax my thoughts, body and mind and at the same time take my mum on this important journey with me.

Jean Michel had given me a memory stick of mediation and Reiki music; you tube clips about metaphysics and videos about the Ganoderma Mushroom and its healing properties (aka my coffee).

I felt strong, in control and temporarily distracted from my own health concerns. 

A friend had shared this picture recently on Face book and suddenly it was top of mind!

The last thing Jean Michel said to me on that last walk from the Pavilion was that "the results of my heart testing would be better when I returned home".  He sensed it would all be ok.

I hoped he was right!  

Did I dare to believe so?

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” 

~ T.S. Eliot

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