Sunday 1 March 2015

When you feel the PULL; go with it...

 If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, 

does it make a sound?


Walking along the beach today my husband and I were talking about this and that.  He suddenly said 'knowing you and the way your mind works that will probably come true'.  I can't actually recall the topic of conversation at that moment, but I did ask him to clarify.  He went on... 'you tend to think things and it happens or appears'.  I thought for a second and said 'then where's the million quid I've been after for some time now?'  'Good question' he replied.

All this talk of 'thoughts becoming things' and 'thoughts having energy' and 'thoughts manifesting themselves in reality' does beg a question - "what is real?"  "What is reality?"  "How do thoughts play a role in the life we lead?" 

Most of us grow up and live our lives right to the end believing certain truths such as:-

When I'm awake, things around me are real.  It exists.  I exist.   
When I'm asleep images and dreams are not real. It's all made up in my mind.

I first questioned the accuracy of the first statement when the film What the Bleep came out.  Physicists it seems already knew that actually things are not real as we believe in fact it's all a bit of an illusion! 

This laptop, the table its purchased on, the chair holding my weight - it's all made up of mostly space.  Fast moving atoms, particles, quarks and the like, spinning around in a pattern so fast it gives the illusion of being solid and real, but it isn't!  

Ok, I won't refute that because smarter people than I have proved it is so but, as I'm not consciously thinking about this chair, or table, what happens if do start to consciously think about them?  Can I 'think them' away, think them to stop spinning, to no longer exist and to collapse and disappear leaving me in a heap on the floor?  I wont try now, but I suspect it's not quite that simple.

So, to the second statement above. 

If things I can see and touch are actually more up more of space than matter, why are the topics of my dreams any less real than these solid objects - that aren't solid at all?  Details in dreams are as vivid and clear as the grain in this table top, or the feel of this keyboard under my finger tips. Why do we believe they aren't real in some way? It seems fundamentally illogical to me.

Who says what is real and what is not?

Everyday objects made of space

We have learnt to assume that we can rely on tables and chairs to do their job, pens and plates alike.  So when we do realise that some beliefs are flawed, faulty, then you have to question what other beliefs are true and not true?

I'm beginning to think the answer about what is real and true lies within us.  It lies within concepts such as intuition, calling, knowing, seeking meaning and purpose.  We recognise it when we get to a point in life where we are being pulled towards a new way, or pulled away from a pre-existing way.

I am in that "pull" now and have been for a while, I'm not sure how long, but I'll be examining the last 6 months as a starting point, in further posts.   Below is one such true story from this week which illustrates how that 'pull' is shifting me.

About 3 weeks ago, during a casual conversation with a dear friend, we both remarked how 'feral' our horses had recently gone - both since moving yards at the same time last August. 

Our horses (of different genders, ages and backgrounds) were now loving field life in a small herd,  so much so that they were both throwing right little wobblers when brought in or asked to do some work!  Both horses had gone from a yard we were at together where turn out was limited in hours and space, and where horse company was across an electric fence.

Both horses were now reveling it seemed in a more natural horse life
but with some negative consequences for us human owners and carers

Grace had become a bit of a worry. 

In the stable if her field buddies weren't around or were taken to be ridden she would throw herself around the stable, double barreling the back walls, rearing and lunging at the side walls or door.  It was nothing short of a miracle that she hadn't caused herself a serious injury!

Long story short my friend was having behavioural issues too with her 28 year old boy who was now ploughing through and over her and anyone who got in his way of his new found play mates. 

She had planned to ask a friend of hers to help.  A friend who could communicate with animals.

'Said friend' is a very attractive lady I guess in her early 40's - a grown up age with a proper job. She has a husband with a proper job, a beautiful home, prestigious car and all the outward trappings of a totally normal lovely person.  She is very real.  She exists, I've met her so you can believe me on this one!

Unlike conventional wisdom suggests, she doesn't jingle as she walks, wears no bells around her head or ankles,  she doesn't clutch at snow globes or waft beads in your face when you visit.  Her house doesn't possess a single wall mounted 'angel' that I saw, nor does it reek of incense.  Yet, despite these absences (or any others you may care to list), she does have an ability to tune into horses, to connect and to communicate with them.  She rarely speaks of it and so she will remain anonymous in my blog, by virtue of respect for her humility and gift.

I asked my friend if she would put in a word for Grace when she next spoke to her pal and see if she could help Grace too, after she had helped my friend's feral 28 year old!

I made no mention of my request or this plan to anyone else.  I didn't even mention it to Grace.

A few days later whist on the yard, Charlotte the yard groom mentioned to me how 'calm' Grace had been that morning - no head tossing, no demanding to be rugged up and turned out first.  Interesting! I noted it and thought nothing further.

 Grace and I Selfie Moment

As the week continued, more reports of a calm, 'wobble free' Grace came back to me.  I in turn was experiencing a much calmer Grace in the menage on the lunge so much so I was not lunging her in a saddle with dangling stirrup irons!

After a few days I contacted my friend to see if she had spoken to her pal about my request for her to tune in with Grace. The answer was yes, they were 'in touch'.

Apparently Grace was a bit 'hard to connect with' she was 'so busy in mind and body' - no shit batman, tee hee!  My mates pal had therefore contacted Grace through her own horse (who when I met him ten days ago was a male double of Grace).

In summary, they had talked.  There had been a discussion about the consequences of Grace's behaviour in the stable and Grace had seemed oblivious to any dangers she had been causing both to herself or to others. She was mortified. 

Her behaviour changed and her tantrums stopped! 

After about ten days of others wondering what I 'had been giving Grace' to create this transformation I revealed my secret.

It's always a big moment when you declare to another that you have reached out to an animal communicator - as surely that isn't real?  Surely it's just evidence that you have 'lost the plot' or are 'out with the fairies'!  Some may even see it as irresponsible or abdicating your accountabilities.  I didn't feel that way at all.

Against such resistance what made me 'fess up'? 

Is it confidence that makes you tell people who could laugh at you, that you've climbed the wall and gone over the other side into never never land?  Is it reaching a certain age where other's opinions matter less to you?  Or, is it the fact that if you are willing to re-examine what is real, then the proof of animal communication was right in front of us,  and been witnessed by all of us in close quarters to Grace?

I've discussed animal communication and the wonders of it before in Convincing Evidence, and is there a Dr Doolittle in us all, and of course at the inception of this blog after a visit from Margrit Coates (see posts Feb 2013).  I'm realising now that it doesn't remain the gift of just those people who are well known, have written books or tour the world helping animals and become 'accepted'.  It lies within many people's ability if they are open to it.

When I got the call this week, on Wednesday about Grace jumping out of her field, after auto pilot took me through a panic stricken series of logical based questions and planning,  I reached out to my friend's animal communicator! To do so was as natural as falling off a horse!

I came off the phone and reached out for my mates' pal once more to ask her if she could check Grace was physically OK.

I sent her an email and text with a brief outline of her having jumped out, not moving well but seemed free from any obviously horrid injury.  She replied within seconds that she would get in touch immediately.

The Result:

Bottom line Grace was physically OK, just had sore legs like when you've had a work out in the Gym!  Phew!

Then it turned interesting, as apparently Grace's 'nose was out of joint' and it had something to do with a new horse's arrival on the yard.  She gave specifics - a grey, gelding, who had Evented.  True, a new horse had arrived about 2 weeks earlier and was in the field next to Grace.  Was she trying to show him she could jump too?  I don't know, but she had also shared a strong sense of being bored!

It was all fitting into place.   Days before my holiday I was dying to start riding Grace after a few months break, feeling she was more accepting having left her feral stage behind.  However, It seemed unfair to start riding again, to then go on a two week holiday and halt the flow.  I don't like stop start and assumed Grace wouldn't either.  Chelsea and I discussed it and we agreed it made more sense to start again, on my return.

Now, if someone today asks me is animal communication real?  

I know I can't reach out and touch it, sit on it, type on it, or serve dinner on it! But, how can I reasonably consider it not to be as real as the objects that do help me do those things?

Sure it could be a lucky break to guess that a new horse was on the scene, to know the gender (a 1 in 2 chance of being right), the colour (longer odds) and to know something of it's work history.  All I know is that I had no idea this was impacting my horse and how she was feeling and would never in a month of Sunday's have considered it as part of the explanation for her adventures round the property. 

We Humans love facts and this animal commmunicator was able to give me plenty each of which was easy to confirm or refute.

Grace and field buddies doing what horses should do!

Calm has been restored on the yard, and since receiving Grace's feedback about what was upsetting her, Chelsea has watched Grace very closely.   Yesterday she sent me a message to say she's noticed that Grace does in deed watch this grey gelding a lot.

No doubt the communication and understanding process in this little scenario has only just begun, and there will be more work to do once I'm home again.

In summary, this episode suggests to me that next time you wonder what is real and what is not, look beyond what is in front of your nose and seen to be real.

Listen to your instinct, intuition, idea, or desires and go with the direction and flow they take you in, however crazy you think that might be! 

Judge what is real based on what resonates and makes sense for you, your loved one, and not for anyone else.

Above all have faith that whatever sense of 'pull' that you are following is there for a reason; even if that reason is at the moment, unclear.

As suggested earlier, I have more true events and stories from the last 6 months to share on this blog.  Not all of them involve my horses, but they all speak to my eyes being opened, to new landscapes appearing and to something else growing within and around me. 

I am convinced I have the horses to thank for this! 

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