Sunday 17 March 2013

Connecting With Horses - A one day course

Thursday March 14th  I joined 9 other men and women all keen to work with Margrit Coates for the day.  The subject of our gathering was 'connecting with horses'.

The day started without the usual fanfare of introductions and sharing objectives for being there.  Our first task was to write down our achievements and qualifications with horses.  Facing a blank piece of paper, and the memory of 38 years of my life with horses, I was unfathomably still.  Nothing came to mind.  Images of rosettes; horse exams passed; courses attended; ridden, in hand and natural horsemanship lessons;  falling off and re-mounting - all seemed inconsequential.  

The only things I could come up with included seeing my horses every day and following my instincts when I'm around them.  Glancing around the room others were deep in thought too.

Lists completed, Margrit removed (with our permission) our lists saying that what we'd written was not 'who we are' as people.  Removing the lists symbolised leaving our old known selves behind opening up a new space of possibility for the day, a space in which we could experience the horses, each other and ourselves.

In conversation we discussed a number of problems facing horse and human partnerships today including a lack of inner stillness which disconnects us from our horses. Instead of being still our minds are 'full' of stuff; to do's; and old thoughts (memories) playing out through today's emotions.  Busy minds rarely stop to think about who we are and find it even harder to ponder who our horses are!

Can we really get to know our horse when we hide from ourselves? Today would be an opportunity to be ourselves either for the first time or for the first time, in a long time! We would have time to observe the horses and to listen with our heart, soul and intuition.

Early on we entered the indoor school as a group to join four horses, at liberty. Our task was to observe. It was a perfect lesson in tuning into energy, observing collective behaviour and how two groups size each other up like street gangs without a shared vocabulary to communicate with.

The more we watched, the more the horses just looked back at us. Some of us got headaches, others sensed changes in energy.  Horses were curious and inquisitive about us, and some stayed close to the herd.  They all had choice. Intermittently they grouped silently together around the gate, or around a strip of sunlight pouring through a gap in the wall.  After about 25 minutes horses and humans stood together as one combined herd. The sun poured in. The school filled with silence.  In the stillness we had found a common language.  Everyone was moved.

During the afternoon we worked one on one with a horse or horses of our choice, all of whom were at liberty in 25 acres of pasture.  We focused on tuning into their 'voice' and to listen for feedback. Everyone participated with eagerness and gentleness - keen to learn from the experience. That is until our egos arrived and gave us cause to doubt the validity of what we heard. It seems that unless we are analysing and interpreting out thoughts and senses - we don't believe it's real.  In this 'state' our minds will surely never expand or experience the bliss a deep connection has to offer.  Easy to say but not easy to master!

What did I learn from the day? That wisdom rarely comes from our thoughts, instead the deep connection we seek comes from simple acts of giving someone/thing your full attention in the present moment. To not define life by believing in just our thoughts but to move beyond thoughts by doing less!  

It was strange to have spent a day 'doing' relatively very little yet be left feeling utterly exhausted at the end of it!  The gift Margrit gave us was not about teachings or parables but about nature and the source of knowledge it has to offer us.  Horses were our teachers that day - naturals at being themselves something we humans find so hard to do and perhaps even forget to aspire to be.

Thank you to the Horses, to Poppy the Shetland pony, to Jody and Lead Change, to Margrit and to everyone who made the day welcoming and warm.  Below are sketches of the voices and energy sources I experienced - primitive I know but I'm knew to this so be kind!

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