Saturday 22 March 2014

Lumps, bumps and black spots

My homework after Chris Day's visit was simply to observe Essy!


Now bear in mind that the homoeopathic pills haven't arrived yet so our remedies are not (as far as I am aware) in play... I am still seeing a lot of stuff!

Thursday as I walked up to Essy in his field exactly 24 hours after meeting Chris I noticed from a few yards back, a lump.  On the left hand side of his neck.  Here it is:

As I got closer, I then noticed on the right side of his neck,  something new also; a spherical growth of black fur!  It literally appeared overnight.  Here it is:

I have no idea what this means, if anything, nor how or why they appeared.  A friend suggested the location of the black fur spot is close to a Chakra point.  If it is, I still don't know what that might suggest beyond some movement of 'chi'.

Friday night when I arrived I noticed that black fur spot is still there, and the lump on his left side is still visible and has been joined by another lump lower down.  Here they are:

They could be bites.  They could be hives.  They could be part of some detox process.  I don't know.

On the clearly positive side, Essy is showing signs of being his old self and calling to me when I arrive at the yard, willingly walking with me round the menage AND hasn't had a nose bleed for 2 days.  Even the discharge from his left nostril is less foamy and more clear and runny.

Saturday saw a nose bleed early morning but by afternoon all lumps and bumps had gone.  Just one black patch remaining.

I will continue to monitor and observe.

I don't know how to explain some of the things I observe in Essy's healing process.  Maybe I never will.  However, I can't dismiss what I see.   I won't dismiss anything just because it doesn't fit comfortably within a paradigm of what is known, and what is fact or can be easily explained and therefore deemed to be true.

Surely if we only relate to and explore, facts and logic, it's akin to being on a train track, without any opportunity to swerve right or left, and adjust our direction away from the 'pre-set' or default - often programmed by someone else!

If we practise a life of no risk, no adventure, no going 'off-piste' we sow a seed that reinforces fear for when and if we do take a new road.

I am sure Essy is teaching me much more than I have yet realised, or tried to understand.  I am lucky; his lessons don't involve injury to myself,  but at times I wish I could swap places with him so that he wasn't the one going through whatever it is he is experiencing.  All I can do is be there, watching, ready to support in any way I can.

For now, starting last night, I'm adding a Liver tonic to his feeds as I'm certain I am seeing liver activity erupt before me.  We've been there once before (see my post called 'Experts on; Experts off), so I should be getting smarter now at 'spotting' the signs early!

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