Saturday 14 June 2014

"Agghh" or the "Ahhh" Factor ?

I often find myself saying "there are two types of horse person...."

On a sunny June afternoon my neighbour's new born baby girl lay wriggling with delight in the fresh cool grass, under the shade of an apple tree.  As her proud mum looked on.

It was late afternoon, and I hadn't yet been to the horses, having spent the day working in London.  It was lovely to spend a few peaceful moments watching a 3 month old baby smile at her mum and enjoy a life of pretty dresses and adoration, under a blue filled sky.

Conversation turned to horses.  My friend told me about a box set of videos she had recently watched called 'Luck' - set in the horse racing world.  She asked about my views on Horse Racing, which then lead to my views on Polo.  She had no idea that as a 19 year old I was riding race horses and working in that Industry.  Nor, that for 20 years now, I've played polo and Essy and Solar are both Ex Polo ponies.

It's strange in moments like this to reflect on what you've done and who you were, once upon a time...

I adored going flat out up the gallops, shedding racing goggles laced with mud in the winter.  I adored and still do the thrill and speed with which the ball changes direction in polo, and you are rewarded for 'taking the man out' - and it's totally above board!

Now I sponsor Polo for kicks!

Yet, I know first hand the negative impact on the horses.  The injuries, often left un-recognised and un-treated.  The sometimes rough and inconsiderate handling, the competitive rather than compassionate approach to their care and the overly aggressive riding.

In both sports the horses show incredible bravery, agility and intelligence.  They learn the 'game' in both sports, but often that's taken for granted by riders and trainers alike.

I've experienced both worlds first hand, from the inside.  I'm able to objectively assess the merits and de-merits of both.  I dislike many elements of both from the perspective of the horse, yet I can not deny the infectious surge of adrenalin you get as the rider.

As we chatted,  a picture of another friend of mine,  came into mind.  I began to describe our very different and contrasting styles.  My friend (an ex-olympic rider) rides with a competitive, aggressive, forward striving 'kick on' and 'go about your business' style.  That's the 'Aghhhh factor'.  (Think growl as you say it).

In contrast, I'm all about the 'ahhhh' factor, (think fluffy kittens as you say it). I  savour the moments where I can just watch my horses graze or roll.  Taking dedicated 'chill time' together and not even noticing if I ride or not.

It's strange to realise that this  'ahhh' factor feels so right given that I too,  used to share the 'agghh' factor.   Its' also true these days that when I do reflect on my own transformation - I  hardly recognise myself.   At times like this I even wonder who I really am?  How can one person love such contrasting ways of 'being'? 

Given too, that in business, when administering personality assessments to Executives, I remark how 'personality doesn't really change' over time, then I can only conclude I'm a schizophrenic, split personality and general 'odd ball'.

Luckily for Essy, Solar and Grace, they haven't seen my most recent personality report! Nor will they as some things a girl just has to keep to herself!

- With thanks to a special little cherry-lipped inspiration under the Apple Tree! -

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