Friday 5 July 2013

Finding NOW and knowing ME

Awareness is a personal journey 

"One's own self is well hidden from one's own self: of all mines of treasure, 
one's own is the last to be dug up"  
Friedrich Nietzsche

Last night it hit me that the only time I struggle to write a blog is when Ive heard someone else say something that sounded important, profound or poetic,  and have made a note of it.  Then when I sit down to write about it - I am blank.  I have lost all connection to it.

This got me thinking.  To connect with something it helps to feel it.  For me if I'm not the originator of a thought or idea, it holds very little interest for me.  I simply don't 'feel it'. May be this is what being authentic is about.  So what do our horses feel?  Nothing? Everything?  Is it there inescapable connection with 'feel' that keeps them present and grounded, genuine and honest?  'Feel' is after all the language of riding, and the body language between horses, and the horses route to experiencing nature.

Ive heard it said that we (humans) can't find peace if we haven't experienced struggle. Maybe that's true for some.  For me it has worked this way for years.  However, I don't believe that is the main experience of the horse.  Many horses do experience struggle in one form or another be that abuse, pain, neglect etc. Yet this negative experience of life with humans doesn't stop them from still being a horse.  Wanting and doing what horses want and do.  They seem to be the consummate 'connectors with themselves' : a place they must know so well.  Yet, we rarely stop to think 'who' they are!  Weird right to overlook such an opportunity to learn about a sense of self from someone so close.

I don't know what the human equivalent is to the birthright of a horse.  We have evolved through so many epochs with a different legacy attached to each.  The horse has accompanied us through most of that journey, but has remained the same.  Has remained true.  What cause are we pursuing? Isn't it weird that I even assume we are on one?  The horse is not!  Of course our larger brain and higher intellect mandates that we are here serving a greater good, a higher purpose!! Tee hee!  Right like destroying acres of natural habitat, over fishing the seas, polluting the atmosphere, killing one another.  That's definitely all higher good stuff! 

Sadly, I can't  take credit for having a quick 4 step model that we can follow to our own path of enlightenment or awareness, or greater good.  I will however write when I feel compelled, knowing that my own awareness of what is true for me, depends on it.  Meanwhile I'm going to actually start looking to my horses to teach me a thing or two about life, and how to enjoy it in the now, while we have a now left!

"One's own self is well hidden from one's own self: of all mines of treasure, 
one's own is the last to be dug up"  
Friedrich Nietzsche

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