Saturday 6 July 2013

Who makes up this shit?

Why do we do the things we do with our horses?

Who is to say if it's 'this way or that way'?

I had to laugh at myself this morning.  There I was doing what I do each morning, grooming Grace and each morning brushing her mane over onto her right side - you know; as we all do cause that's where manes sit....

As soon as Ive brushed it over and gently given it a push in that direction with my hand (for good order), Grace shakes her neck and her mane splits; half on one side half on the other.  This happens EVERY day!

This morning for some reason, instead of feeling a twinge of frustration I found myself (or maybe it was Grace sending me her thoughts) stepping back and  thinking "why change nature Deb?"  Seriously why?  What possible problem is it causing to have her mane fall wherever it wants to?  I tried to answer thinking 'well for shows it needs to be on one side'.  Then I remembered that for shows her mane would be plaited so that's irrelevant. There and then I couldn't come up with another reason, other than 'everyone knows that's how it should be' and sensing that somehow the BHS or the Army are to blame! 

Obvious it may be to us humans, but it sure isn't obvious to everyone!  Horses certainly don't seem to have had the email as Essy's mane does exactly the same (taken this morning also).

Thinking about the 'obvious' left me wondering in what other ways we try to change nature without there being any valid or current reason? When did we last stop to think 'why do I do this and is it still relevant'?

Maybe when there is a life saving reason for all manes to fall in one direction then our horse's manes will comply.  Until then, like my own fringe it will land where it falls and I will accept it, knowing at least that's one less thing to fret about.

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