Wednesday 13 February 2013

A Surrogate for Margrit

During Margrit's visit on Sunday, Essy talked about his head being tilted left to right and locked up around the poll.

He and Margrit worked elegantly together to release some of his discomfort.  Which he followed up with a wonderful 'release' in front of us in the stable, stretching tall as Ive never seen him do before.

Tonight I didn't have much time with my horses but wanted to hang out with Essy even if it was only for ten minutes.  I decided to hang over his door way, give him space and just see if he approached me. 

He did! So, I was standing one side of the stable door, he was on the other side.  His head was over it and I was leaning forwards into the door facing him - nose to nose almost.  What happened next caught me totally by surprise.  He very gently rested his head on my left arm which I had spread out across the top of the door.  There was no weight or pressure exerted by him. It felt very measured and controlled.  Then he began to very slowly and gradually stretch his head forwards lengthening away from his body, against my arm.  I remained totally still.

Slowly he seemed to be applying a little more pressure to the underside of his head - against my arm. I imagined a small circling motion which I believe is how a healers fingers tend to move during Cranial Sacral therapy (correct me if I'm wrong).

I stayed quiet. I stayed still.  I kept breathing and thinking of my 'happy place' and softened my core to be more centered for him. Whilst I did this, I invited him (speaking aloud) to move his head onto my shoulder if he wanted.  I could not believe it - he actually did exactly that!  We stood there for several minutes - one amazed human feeling we really were having a conversation -he understood me - and one very calm horse moving with clear and deliberate intention.

He then moved away, stood back in his stable, relaxed one back leg and began to exhale loudly.  Wow!  I'm pretty sure he was using my body in a way that I had witnessed him interact with Margrit's inviting hands.  I wish I had a better appreciation of what to do but for now I'm content with letting him make the decisions and using me and my body as a surrogate for Margrit's magical hands. If he can help himself to feel physically comfortable and use me in that process I'll be one happy lady.

I didn't have my video phone on me, but that's not a bad thing as it's his words and messages that I'm keen to share more than what he does.  However, for me to believe in what he said on Sunday I think each day he's giving me more evidence that we really can be  " in touch" (humans and horses) and Sunday's conversation wasn't a figment of my imagination.

This is magical.  Pure magic. 

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